Saturday, December 27, 2008

Parker is such a good big brother....

He is always first to want to hold Kambree and is always willing to hold and play with her if i need to do something else.....
Since Kambree WILL NOT keep shoes on I bought this snow suit to keep her warm and
when i put it on her she looked the kid off of the Christmas story!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mery Christmas everyone......

This is what our house looked like this morning!!!!!!

Happy 14th Birthday Braxton.......

I can not believe it was 14 years ago that the hospital nurse brought this cute baby boy wrapped in a blanket and stuffed into a Christmas stocking into my room!!!!!! He is a good boy and we are proud to be his mom and dad!!!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Go steelers......

Kambree is going to cheer the steelers on in the SUPER BOWL and NO we are not hosting a party due to the signed autographed baseball being thrown down the stairs and Curt's prized superbowl 30 football being thrown around and the whole strand of Christmas lights being smashed all by a cute 2 year old.
Then to top it off after coming home from visiting nana and papa Roxy threw up 3 times and took a dump in our bedroom.UUGGHH
Parker totally thought we were going to get rid of her and Braxton threw up in his mouth when told to help clean it up. LOL

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Were officially done.....

With christmas shopping....... oh wait i think i need one thing for Kambree but good thing is she won't know if she gets it on Christmas or not :o)
I don't know WHERE time goes cause i don't seem to get all the things done that i have in the past!! I really wanted to take pics and send them out in a card this year and yep didn't get that done!! I did manage to get some baking done and plates handed out. Sent family members out of state gift cards all the while working more than i usually do ( coworker quit ) AND to top it all of got in a fender bender yesterday morning like 2 seconds away from my work......... I and the girl behind me were stopped at the light and apparently the kid behind her was not paying attention to us stopped people and bumped her then she bumped me...thanks goodness i didn't hit the car in front of me and no one was seriously hurt just a little sore!!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've been tagged

I've Been Tagged!
Rules:1- Post the rules.2- Answer the 6 "8" items.3- Let each person know that they have been tagged.

8 Favorite T.V. Shows(in no particular order):1-Dr.G, 2- Cops, 3- Dateline, 4-Batchelor or Batchelorette, 5- 20/20, 6- What not to wear, 7-Bringing home baby, 8- Trauma in the E.R.

8 Things I did yesterday: 1-Took Braxton to orthodonist AGAIN, 2- Grocery shopping 3-Bank
4- Kambree's 9month check up at Dr.'s 5-3 loads of laundry 6-1:00 Office staff meeting 7-picked up Jr.high car pool 8- went to Braxtons Bball game 9- Went to Young womens!!!!! wow what a day

8 Favorite Restaurants: 1-Olive garden 2-Rumbi grill 3-The shed 4-Texas road house 5-Red lobster 6-The outback steak house 7-Maddox 8-Utah noodle

8 things I am looking forward to: 1-Kambree SLEEPING thru the night again 2-Cruise 3-Getting out of debt 4-Christmas cookies and candy 5-Disneyland 6- Retirment 7-paying off student loans 8-Shopping

8 things on my wish list: 1-A vacation like a cruise 2- 3 Lakers vs. jazz tickets for my hubby and boys 3- A clean house again 4-New flooring in kitchen 5-Kitchen island 6-Tummy tuck 7- Cruise to Hawiia 8- Lots of money to pay for friends and family dental work!!!!!

8 people I tagged: 1- Jo 2-Sydney 3- Amy 4- Kim 5- Val 6-Chelsey 7-Karen 8- Leisha

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday..........

I couldn't pull myself out of bed this year ( UM probably cause of the cute miss Kambree who has decided to wake up again in the night ) and there wasn't really anything that i was dying to get!!!!!!!
We do want a gps/navigation system which were on several stores doorbuster list but I figured i could get one on ebay or ksl after the holidays for hopefully the same price!!!!!
Did anyone else get what they wanted this morning??

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.....

I hope you had a great day and ate lots of good food..... I know i sure did!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

What do your kids want for Christmas this year?

I REALLY wanted to go on a trip in Jan. this year instead of doing gifts but when i checked into it the cost was way more than i would spend for gifts so i'm back to figuring out what to get Braxton and Parker who with there OWN money ( against my advice ) bought rock band like a month ago so now i don't have a big exciting gift to get them. Kambree needs the usuall baby things carseat, diapers, clothes ect. but the boys are harder because there older and not into toys like when they were little!!!!!

Braxton isn't feeling well today........

His tummy has been hurting the last couple days so today he stayed home from school...
Curt has caught the cold that me and the baby had last week. :0(
Kambree is still teething but NO teeth have popped thru yet. I hope we all are feeling better by next week for turkey day cause that is my favorite food and can't wait to eat it. ;0)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a day....

Parker woke up complaining his throat hurt, Kambree pooped RIGHT before i needed to take her to the sitters, Gave parker a motrin and said dad will come at 11:00 to see if you need to go home and get you a Dr. appt. if still not feeling well cause i had to work ( of course that is when everything happens ) so i worked a long day to call curt after the Dr. appt for Parker and sure enough he has strep....( i get the great mom award today sending him to school but really i thought it was allergies cause he has not had a fever and only in the morning did he say something), then i check my phone ready to call to see if i needed to pick up Braxton from BBall practice and notice like 4 missed calls.... THEN my freakin phone dies so i don't even hear the message and i'm praying to remember curts new cell # that i really haven't memorized cause i just hit his button on my phone to dial and thankfully i dialed a number that popped into my head ( blessing ) and curt answered saying they have been trying to call me there heading BACK to wee care cause braxton got elbowed on the head at practice and now needs stitches... SO i race to weecare to have them just be walking out with braxton's right side had blood all over his shirt , shorts, socks and shoes oh and both eyebrows... and 3 staples in his head UUGGHH bless babyKambrees heart she was a great baby at BOTH Dr.s appts. and CURT it makes me love you even more that you handled this mostly on your own while i was at work!!! I love you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kambree's homemade iron on shirt.....

SO i called everywhere to have a screen print t-shirt/onsie made for Kambree that would have something about My big brother is #22 for the NDJH BBall team but no one would make just one so i compromised and bought this paper at walmart that you design it on your own then iron it on and i think it turned out cute. Unfortunetly they ( NDJ) lost bigtime to kaysville :0(

I voted......

REALLY glad there was not a long line when i went at 11:00.
Did everyone else get out and how was your line?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Braxton made the NDJH BBALL team.......

WAY to go brax we knew you could do it again even though it was a week long tryout and cuts... he never once complained about going to bed on time because he was exhausted.
I hope he doesn't stop growing EXCEPT when he out grows those dang expensive BBall shoes that i have to keep buying.
His first game is tommorow... wish him luck!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I've been tagged

1- I HAVE to trim off every bit of fat and veins in chicken .
2- When eating out i will pick thru meat to see if there is any veins or fat.
3-I Hate Hate onions and refuse to eat anything with them in it.
4-I buy a tuna sandwich from Subway.
5-I don't like my dogs hair on me or the couch.
6-I don't like fruit in cookies,jello ect.
7-Space things bore me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WHY do dogs do that....UUGGHH

I actually know WHY they do and haven't had the time to take Roxy to the vet to get yes the anal gland drained........... We were out of town (up in seattle and I promise i looked for the camera to take pics and put on here but i couldn't find it ;0( ........ anyway I picked up roxy from our good friends who watch her when we leave and she had a little bit of poop on her butt and NO ONE wanted to giver her a bath SO this morning i got sick and tired of her scooting her butt across the floor ( I THINK THAT IS SOOOO GROSS ) AND know i want the carpets cleaned even though i don't see anything i KNOW it's there.... so yes this morning after dropping brax off at BBALL tryouts i actually had to wipe her butt with a baby wipe. UUGGHH

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Parker......

I can not believe it was 10 years ago today that i had him....
His sister decided she wanted to come out at exactlly the time parker did 4:00 AM!!!!!!!!!!
They are so much alike .....Parker adores her and she LOVES him AND her even bigger brother Braxton.
We've picked up Balloons and made cupcakes for him and some friends.... Wish us luck tonight at chucke cheeses that it won't be TOO crowded and Expensive. LOL
I would love to promise to put pics up of the party BUT the truth of the matter is I don't have alot of time to work on my blog like i used to or don't have much to say.
Sorry to all the blog stalkers!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kambree got 6 month shots today...

She weighs alittle over 15 lbs..... I knew she heavy and I was guessing 16 lbs.
I hate seeing her scream when they get shots.... there was alittle girl in the waiting room that was crying and telling her mommy my ear hurts... I felt so bad i told Kambree's nurse if she is seeing Dr.Gab let her go first i can't bear to see a child in pain ( i have had a child crying cause his ear hurt as your waiting for the Dr. and can't do anything about it.)
P.s. just this morning she rolled from her back onto her tummy!!! She couldn't get back over though and fussed till i turned her over.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sorry is has been so long....

When does life stop being crazy...?
I do have some pics i need to post from our mesqiute vacation over labor day.. and braxtons first day as a 8th grader but I'm WAY too tired tonight so maybe tommorow!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Old navy jeans.....

are on sale online too......... Have to pay for shipping but 12 bucks for the jeans is a good deal and i'll pay the 7 in shipping to NOT have to go into the busy store only to not get braxton's size AND get it delivered on my door step. :0)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Made it thru today........

The first day on the job at Dr.Hess's office..........
I assisted for part of the day and then was training on posting insurance checks and making the adjustments. It looks like on Mondays when there double booked on Dr. schedule and hygiene that the front goes back and helps so it was just a little stressfull going in the back and then up front but it will come naturally soon.( I hope ).
Little miss Kambree had a tough morning at the sitters :o( ( fussing, spitting up alot, probably an upset tummy which makes me feel bad).... that is when I think WHY is it that those that have worked hard to provide for there families and had to get sitters can't get paid to stay home...I do need to help provide for our family part time and am THANKFULL she only needs daycare 6 days a month but i still HATE leaving her!!!!! This too shall pass right? LOL

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Off to girls camp......

It will only be overnight and then hep bring the girls home but even at that....... I will miss our baby girl ( i all ready told braxton i will the boys too but they can do all the things that i worry about) and wonder if shes cranky and frustating daddy (he adores her and is a very good daddy), diapar changed often, fed her nightly cereal, sung too and and rocked to sleep when tired instead of propping up the bottle in her car seat, given a bath with not hot or cold water and not too much water, put into jammies with socks since she kicks her blanket off at night, hope she sleeps thru the night and doesn't want tobe fed since she is going thru a growth spurt ect.
Will she wonder where her mommy is? It's nice to have a break BUT I Love all my kids a ton and can't imagine life without them. I Miss them all ready and i haven't even left. LOL

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Parker 100%

On his 2 spelling test that he has taken. WAY to go parker!!!!!!!!

Kambree let nana hold her for like a 1/2 hour without bawling her head off. :0)

We haven't had a vacation this summer mostly due to having a baby now and parker only getting 3 weeks of summer break so..... were thinking of taking the kids to mesquite over labor day weekend.
What are all of you doing?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

whhoo.... the only person i called about the cookies

was the good smaritan that made them.... THANKS BENSON FAMILY..
I was REALLY hoping it was them because we have talked about making the cookies from cake mix before. There GREAT ;0)

Okay WHO left the delicous looking cookies...

between the glass door?? They said enjoy bowden's and the recipe. I WANT to eat them but no name was left and maybe it's a joke with something bad in there !!!!!! It's not like i can go down the ward list and call everyone and ask if they left them or some total stranger. LOL

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I took the disney what princess are you quiz....

and guess who I am.... I tried uploading it to the blog and i can't ... i'll have curt do it.HEHE
But it said I am Cinderella ( I love her ).

Got pulled over this afternoon.....

because of........ left brake light is out :0(
Curt told me about it last week but we didn't fix it but let me tell you where curt is as we speak yep autozone... luckily for me he gave me a fix it ticket ( didn't know they had those ) so we can go show mr.police officer it's fixed and have him sign the fix it ticket and then go show the judge.
What happened to giving warnings for those kinds of things or should i be happy with the fix it ticket?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Braxton started basketball camp for NDJH...

He had a good time today and said why can't basketball practice during the season be like this camp.... ( sorry sparks but he doesn't like your hard practices ;0)

He is having fun going to lagoon this summer with friends and not being with his mom and dad, brother and sister.

I can't believe he will be in 8th grade this year. I hope he has a class or at least lunch this time with a friend...... last year that was NOT fun going thru the transition to jr.high but making the basketball team helped him be excited for this year.

Parker is doing well in school all ready ( not suprised ). His teacher told the class yesterday that after recess the room stinks and that there old enough to were deodorant now.. :0)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sorry it's been so long..........

Since i updated my blog.... we have been on a dead run this week with doing things with family, roy pool party twice...setting up our new cell phones( my # is our home phone -- cool huh) and so the old one will be off soon. Orthodontist/ dentist appts. ect. ect.
I gave my 2 week notice to the office i currently work at and am going to the office i have ALWAYS wanted to be at. :0)
I have to find a new babysitter for miss Kambree( SO SAD ABOUT THAT ) but happy Sandra got on as a teacher's aid at the school since she has wanted to do that and is there alot anyway so now she gets paid to be there.
Hope all you foxhollow ward friends plan on being there early tommorow since rumor is there is 6 or 7 baby blessings :0)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kambree laughed today....

Curt got her on video when i ran to the store to get "sunday food".
When i got back he hooked up the cam corder to the t.v. and I couldn't believe it then I said the same thing as he was and she started to laugh for me... SO cute, I would love to put it on here but that is WAY to complicated for me to figure out so i'll see if curt knows.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Parker and Kambree

I know I know its the first pic of Kambree WITHOUT a bow.....
Daddy had gotten her ready for bed since i was having a killer game of water balloon dodgeball with the youth last night...and believe it or not she does not wear a headband to bed :0)

And I forgot about this cute pic of Parker and Roxy!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Parker started school.....

It actually started yesterday...... I took 2 pics so i could put it on here and my camera was not working right so there blurry. :0(
Anyway he had a good time i just really wish it was not a track schedule but traditional like it was when we lived in weber county.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

We got braxton back home from scout camp...

He had a good time... thank goodness( he did not like how long it was away from home, the astronomy merit badge class, some of the food, ect. ) basically we are not campers and neither is he but he did do some cool things and for the most part enjoyed being with his friends.
He will definitely apreciate his own bed tonight.
Kambree keeps smiling at him and will coo back when he talks to her ( so sweet ).
p.s. i'm still waiting for curt to scan more of the family and Kambree's blessing pics... I know i should just ask him to teach me to do it but whenever i ask him to teach me a computer thing he says its too complicated :0( rude huh!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kambree's blessing and family picture...

We have more that need to be scanned and will post them as soon as they are...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Miss Braxton....

He is at scout camp.... I heard he likes the food... I wonder if he is staying hydrated, eating enough, if his sunburn he got the friday before he left blistered, Brushed his teeth at LEAST once, has a comfortable night sleep, Ect..... I am definatley a protective mom. can't help it.

We got our family pics back today...

But i will need Curt to scan them so i can add them to here and yes family will be getting one just have to decide who gets what!!!!!! They turned out cute... you can see Kambree crying and red eyes in one and the others weren't bad just not her way cute big smile she gives her big brothers and Curt and I.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

First time eating cereal...

With a spoon and sitting in a high chair... She is getting so big it makes me sad :0(

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Meeting my friend Julie and boys for lunch...

Is been awhile since we have got together for lunch... We saw you at Kambree's baby blessing (thank you for coming) ... This is the wonderfull family that gave us our dog Roxy... I only have old pics of her when she was NOT fat... poor dog needs a diet now LOL

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our 4th of july BBQ pics with friends and boobs & babies (clint said it not me) LOL

Here are neighboors/friends and Kambree's first friend Taysen and the missionaries...
Thanks clint and mindy for taking and sending the pics to me so i could put them on here :0)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My back ground paper

isns't loading quick for me... can anyone see it? It should be pink with brown and a pink ribbon going down the sides.

Not much going on...

Wishing we were on a cruise again or at least planning one... Kambree got to go on this one

Yesterday was crazy at work... hope it ends soon...

Kambree spit up(nothing new)on daddys face today :0(

Braxton has a pack check tonight for scout camp next week( man when did scouting get so expensive?)

Parker has learned to chat with his friend kyler on there nintendo DS and he says its like "texting mom".

Hope all is well with everyone?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

smores and Basketball........

Braxton beat his dad at BBall tonight (hehe). Parker is going to be a great player when he is braxtons age because he plays against him everyday and he is ALOT taller.
They all had a GREAT time and the smores were delicous.
We fed the horses carrots (scary out of the hand) and got eaten by mosquitos.
First time Kambree didn't have a brain squisher (that is what Grandpa calls them ) on but had a really cute sun hat to match her darling outfit Aunt Marylu sent her ( thanks again LuLu ).

Friday, July 4, 2008

My dear sweetie.....

Added music for our blog since i was too frustrated to figure it out:o( Thanks babe your so smart ;0)
Tonight we had a bbq with nieghboors and then did fireworks and watched the fantastic ones that clearfield puts on and the best part about that is we don't have to fight the crowd getting home :0)

Happy 4th.....

Well........... we went to get our pics taken today and MISS KAMBREE showed that true red head spirit( or the bowden coming out. LOL ) She cried the whole time and usually is so smily( sp ) But not today or at least when our appt. was... She was still hungry and tired so we did the best we could... and of course after our session was over and her little nap she was all smiles again.

After ten days you can view them online so we'll let everyone see. We did family shots, boys with baby shot( they are adorable ) and last but not least Kambree in her blessing dress(sweet).

Thursday, July 3, 2008


We are finally getting family pics taken and kambree's with her blessing dress :0)
Don't know how long they will take to get back but as soon as they do i'll post them on here.
I hope everyone has a great 4th tommorow and remembers those who are and have been fighting to protect our freedom. AND don't burn down anyones house with illegal fireworks -k-.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's hot out there today....

Took the boys and Kambree to meet dad for lunch at mickey Dees and then picked up my check, a short visit at nana and papa's ( sorry guys we really do LOVE you more then you'll ever know) next time will stay longer... braxton needed to be back to go hang out with friends at nickelcade..when did he become a teenager and want to do stuff with friends instead of us? :0(
and parker is dying to buy a ninetendo DS with his money from the yard sale and selling pokemon cards on ebay so i had to take him to game stop too.
Kambree is peeling on her nose and under her eyes from the sunburn she got at our neighboorhood yard sale (SHE WAS IN THE SHADE THE WHOLE TIME) o.k. except when jo held her to show someone something when they were looking at her stuff and for me to walk across the street to see how others were doing BUT i kept her in the shade so i have no idea how only her face got sunburned but i do know that i felt terrible about it. :0(
BTW all you out of staters the pink and brown colored back ground is the color of miss Kambree's room. I'll have to take pics of it and put on here so you can see ( I know mom you have asked me to do it...) it turned out really cute !!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

kambree's 4 mo. check up...

I can not believe she is 4mo. old AND almost 13lbs.
She had to get shots.... I know there important to keep her healthy BUT i hate seeing her in pain and crying.. she was smiling at the nurses until they shot her then she screamed. :0(
goota run and get her bathed and then her dirty big brother who she adores.

I think i'm doing it....

now i just need to figure out how to let all the family and friends now about my blog.
I know these are old pics of the family but i'm trying to catch up and i'll shameleesy admit we have not gone and taken a proffesional family portrait yet :o(

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I SHOULD just call Karen or Leisha to figure this out since they have done this but i am going to figure it out right?

what the crap... how do i do this?

I don't have a clue how to do this so bare with me.

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